
Bringing our community together. Helping refugees.

Community sponsorship of a refugee family

Croeso Menai is a local charitable group set up to participate in the UK government’s Community Sponsorship scheme. Its purpose is to use local community groups and organisations to bring approved refugee families into the UK from war-torn areas and to help them to set up new lives here. Croeso Menai is the first such group in North Wales, but there have already been a number of successful projects in other areas of the country.

We have all seen the horrific images of people risking their lives trying to seek safety in Europe, and we’ve read about the horrors of the refugee camps. By welcoming a refugee family into our community, we can make a small but real difference. It is also a valuable opportunity for us to work together with others in our community to achieve something positive.

Can you help?

Contact us

Facebook: @CroesoMenai
Email: info@croesomenai.org.uk

Donate to us

Account: Croeso Menai
Sort Code: 51-61-28
Account Number: 77977629

Helping one family won’t change the world, but it will change the world for one  family